Thursday, May 29, 2008


Thank you to my siestas who sent me a comment. :) I'm feeling a little shy here.

Just finished watching the Laker's beat San Antonio Spurs. The fireworks (for real) went off in my neighborhood. So glad my patio umbrella is not up. It might burn. People get real excited here in Lakerland.

Thank you for praying for Larissa. I'll let you know how her test turns out.

Blessing to all and Good night.


Let me be upfront to say I am not creative, my life is dull in comparison to your blogs. I love reading your blogs, seeing your homes and children, your hobbies etc.

Tomorrow I have the day off from work and will go to my Breaking Free class.

I will try and post a picture to see if I can do it.

I didn't want it to be so big. This is my 4 year old granddaughter Larissa. She is having an EEG this wednesday. She's had two fibral seizures. Scary! Please pray for her.

Now I will post a picture of my 10 year old grandson Timothy. He loves playing guitar like his grandpa. Timothy and Grandpa played a song at church some months ago.
I don't know what is happening to these pictures but everything seems to be all messed up.

Next is a picture of my youngest granddaughter Gina. She just turned two on April 25. Obviously Gina's picture is old.

I'm going to quit for now. I'm getting frustrated with the placement of these pictures. If anyone has any tips how to move them around and a simple link that I can learn to blog like the pros let me know.
Don't they have a book called Blogging for Dummies?