Tuesday, March 31, 2009



I was invited to participate in this unique bible study beginning tomorrow. If you would like to check it out please go to the link above and follow the guidelines. I look forward to this. I'm wanting a fresh word from the Lord.

I'm involved in three bible study groups and I do the homework but it's like what I called it, homework. I don't seem to be getting any ah ha moments.

What I like about the above link is that all I need is my bible. I don't have to buy a workbook, i don't have to do research, i don't have to sit through video or share with people. There is nothing wrong with that by no means. don't get me wrong. I love all that I mentioned but I just want to sit at Jesus feet and get one-on-one with Him. I just want him.

So tomorrow starts something new for me. I'm yours Lord, let me have it!! :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Before I signed off last time I said I would mention "Worship at the Abbey." When hubby and I got rid of cable we were left with regular TV which isn't even worthy watching anymore because of the very poor reception. BUT we do get a worship channel that is a very pleasant surprise and doesn't fade in and out as much as the regular channels. (is that God or what!) This particular channel (worship.net I think) has christian infomercials and one of them was Worship at the Abbey. I sat down to watch the infomercial and was taken aback by the beautiful songs that just ministered to my heart at the right time. The first one Stuart Townsend singing "My God." and the words just struck a chord with my heart and had me in tears. "My God takes the broken and makes them whole" "My God....calls the sinner, friend." Typing the words don't to it justice.

The other song, I found out it was written by Stuart Townsend too, was sung by Kelly Minter. Now the connection I have with Kelly Minter is last summer I, as with hundreds of others on Beth Moore's blog, did her (kelly's) bible study "No Other Gods." When I saw her singing at the Abbey I got excited and told Frank "I know her!" "I did her Bible study last summer blah blah blah." Her song to just melted my heart. She sang "How Deep the Father's Love for Us." That song just turns me to mush when I hear the words, especially when she sang "....and made a wretch his treasure." Oh what love God has for me. I can't resist those words of love from the Father.

I've been trying to download the songs from youtube onto this blog but can't seem to do it. So I would invite you to go to youtube.com

search for Worship at the Abbey

then when it comes up click on My God by Stuart Townsend and How Deep the Father's Love by Kelly Minter. They are so good.

If you know how to copy a segment from Youtube can you let me know how, and of course in very simple terms.

Did I mention I have jury duty the week of March 30. I enjoy doing my civic duty but this time around isn't too practical for me especially if I get on a jury panel and heaven forbid be selected to be on a case. Being a church secretary this time of year is not a good time to be away from the office what with all the bulletin for Holy Week (it's a Lutheran church) and then a big one for Easter. And I have to get the church newsletter printed and mailed out too. Part of me hopes I don't get called to be on a panel. I just want to do my day and be released. Oh well, I can't stress over what is out of my control.

So long for now. I'm out of thoughts worth mentioning.

Monday, March 16, 2009


One more titdbit. I've been enjoying my ipod. I have 515 sermons on it. I have Charles Stanley, R.C. Sproul, JOhn Piper (of course), Nancy Leight DeMoss, James McDonald and many more. Where am i going with this.....Oh yeah, I downloaded sermons from a church in Redlands. I thought it was Redlands, Calif but turns out it's Redlands CRC in Australia. The first clue was the accent. At first I thought it was a guest pastor or something like that but then realized it was coming from Australia. It's kinda cool. I get caught up in my ow little world and forget that I have brother and sisters in Christ all over the world. The unity of Christ.

We just bought the DVD "Worship at the Abbey." UTTERLY FANTASTIC!!! Thank you Jesus for music. I'll talk about that later.

I do have to go. It's getting late for this ole gal. Have things to do before I go to bed.

Things to talk about next time:
More about Worship at the Abbey and our upcoming Ladies Nite Out at my church.

I'm going to give you all my "myspace address" to as I seem to be on that more, only to add things to encourage others with the love of Jesus.

Blessings to my sisters in Christ and all who may happen upon this blog by chance. You are loved with an everlasting love by Jesus, the One and Only.


I have three followers according to my side bars. Oh my, the pressure is on to produce something interesing!! Bless you ladies who follow me.

So much has been happening but not blog worthy, so it seems to me. But I'll just go ahead and talk.

The last time I posted I had said that we didn't have cable tv anymore and we still dont. I did miss some of the shows I watched but i don't think about them anymore. Since then we did get the box one needs to see something and rabbit ears for the bedroom. But TV doesn't capture my heart like it once did. The real reason why is that everytime I try to watch the reception is awful. So it's almost a bother to try. The color is bad too. I almost hope we never get cable again because I know I'll go back to watching TV again. But maybe not, maybe my strength and resolve are stronger now.

I've started doing jigzaw puzzles and love doing it. I can sit for a couple of hours and not realize how much time has elapsed. Plus I've started reading again. I love mysteries. I can't put a good book down and have been known to read while cooking.

I'm supposed to get together with my sister so she can teach me to crochet something. That'll probably take a good part of my time too.

I've been sick this past weekend. Had to go to the doctor on Saturday and am now taking antibiotics for a sinus infection and battling a cold too. Ugh! I didn't go to work today and slept for a long time. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorow to get back to work.

I'm on call for jury duty starting March 30. I don't mind, I like doing jury duty. My time will be at Compton Court which is one of the best courthouses to do jury duty. They treat their jurors real nice. While we wait we can use their computers, watch movies, or whatever one brings along to move time along.

I started reading JOhn Piper's "Future Grace" this Sunday. I just love to listen to his teachings. I have to read and listen to him real slow as he is a little over my head but it's worth it. He has a great sermon called "What is the recession for" on his website www.desiringgod.org God has purpose for our recession.

My small groups started studying the book of Romans. I listen to Piper alot to get more insight into Romans.

I have fallen in love with Leah's dog Roxy. I am not an animal lover at all. Give me goldfish anytime. But dogs or cats no. All our married life Frank and I have had dogs but they were his dogs. I didn't mess with them. But along comes Roxy and she just melted my heart. I will have to take a picture of her and share it. I don't like dogs that jump all over me, sniff all over me, bark, growl, or whatever dogs do to be themself. But Roxy is so cute. She is a little terrior and something else and listens to me. She doesn't smell or drool. I like her sitting on my lap or when I lay on the bed she jumps up and lays with me. Why allow this I don't know. I must be mellowing in my old age. Roxy is a good girl. Too bad she isn't mine to keep. But maybe that's why I like her so much. I can love on her and send her home.

I'g going to sign off real quick. I'm getting a publishing may fail notice and I don't won't to have to rewrite this, I'll lose the momentum. Byeeeeee.