Saturday, July 26, 2008



Leah & Paloma now friends.

My third crew member Leah & me.

Our whole class & crew making a craft

Whew! I made it! VBS 2008 is now a memory. The kids had a blast and my preschool crew are tired but we had some fun with the kids. Working with 3-4 year old all week has its own unique qualitites. We made a lot of trips to the bathroom. When one had to go all of a sudden everyone had to go. We had tears for momma. We had a little spat "you're not my friend" type of thing. (We adults have them too, we just don't come out and say it, we just politely ignore each other.) By day five these two girls were friends again. We colored, made crafts, had snacks, watched a "Chadder" video and saw skits telling the Bible story, and played, played, played.

It was a great VBS and ALL the kids attending had such a fun time.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Vacation Bible School
Must go plan my lesson.
Working with preschoolers. :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Today Timothy got hit in the head with the baseball at his game. A huge lump appeared so Tim & Leah took him to urgent care. He's fine but it was a little scarry after all we've been through the last couple of weeks.

At the park I turned to Frank and asked him if this was spiritual warfare. He said he was thinking the same thing.

I've since prayed for physical protection on my entire family. And I am not going to fall for satan's lies that cause me to panic. Timothy, as well as all my family, is in His hands.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Me and Frank last Saturday at Gina's Aunt Kimmie's baby shower.

Gina's mom Chante (my sweet daughter-in-law, in the middle) with her high school friend on the left and her softball buddie on the right.

Larissa (grandchild #2) hubby Frank, Gina (grandchild #3 when she would let me hold her) and myself. This picture was from Frank's camera.

"Just try and hold me Granmma!"

Say cheese!

The little prodigy.

I have to give credit to Chante and her mom Darlene for these pictures. I got them off of their myspace albums. Thanks C & D.

Gina is 27 months and is going through a stage where she will not allow me to grab a hold of her for a hug or a kiss. She tells me to go. I will wait patiently for her to come around, because Christmas is just around the corner. Hehehe!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I ended up in the emergency room early this morning. How did I get there?

I've been very nervous/stressed/anxious, more than even I realized, about Larissa and her seizures. Well it come out throug a strong axiety attache around 3 AM. I rolled over in bed and felt a strange pain on my side. I got up to get a drink of water and suddenly I felt a hot heat spread across my stomach, back & arms. I've never felt this before and became quite alarmed. I went into the bedroom and told Frank I had to go to the hospital. Call 911! They came and transported me to the hospital as my blood pressure was sky high and they thought maybe I was having a stroke. PTL I had not stroke or heart attack by the grace of God.

At the hospital I was given a cat scan and ultrasound of my stomach area.

All during this time the song by Matt Redmond, "Never Let Go" was going through my mind. Also going through my mind was the worse, death, stroke, and terrible fear. After a couple of hours of fear I finally realized that I was thining too much of the negative. Satan was whispering truth to me but it really wasn't the truth=NO Other Gods study again. The truth was yes, these things can happen to me but God is with me. I am not alone. He has me in his hand and his will be done. I decided to "renew" my mind and no longer dwell on the marcabe but on the blessing and promises of our good God. I ask the Spirit to bring to mind the promises of the Word. "I will never leave you nor forsake you" "I have called you by name, you are mine" "Greater is he who is you than he who is in the world" Greater is God.

After about 13 hours at the emergency (can you belive that!) I was released and the conclusion was that I had an axiety attack. I've been very anxious about Larissa. Read the post below.

Well, I'm praising God that it wasn't more serious and I'm asking God to direct me in ways to release my burdens to him, minute by minute. I'm very tired right now as I was given a relaxer and am still a little groggy. Going to bed now and sleep like a baby.

If I can I'm going to download the video "Never Let Go" from you or God tube. I don't know how to do it so don't hold your breath. :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


God is so precious. He is ministering to me, gently. My fears stems from unbelief. LORD, HELP MY UNBELIEF! AMEN. I know he will increase my faith. How? I'm going to have to wait and see. But for this moment my eyes are on Him. Praise you Lord.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world; but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 AMEN!


Doing the online Bible study NO OTHER GODS (NOG)is opening my eyes to a lot of spiritual junk I have on me. Not only TV, which I'll get to later on, but also my need to control my surroundings and everything else in my life. I've shared on another Lifeway Community my need to control everything I do so as not to have an accident, so I won't get hurt, suffer no pain etc. The fear of pain or injury dictates my life. Which bring me to Larissa's latest seizure. I'm frightened!! There I've said it. I'm afraid of her having another seizure, what if she dies. This I cannot control, but I'll try!I find myself watching her for any sign of danger. I keep feeling her head, is she hot? I keep asking her if she feels good. Coming home with her in the car I had the AC going full blast to keep the car cold so she won't get hot and have a seizure. All of sudden I just started crying. It was then that I realized what I'm trying to do and there's no controling what happens to Larissa and I am afraid. I want the seizures to stop. I want her to be herself again. But there is no guarantee that it won'd happen again. And I know God is in control, but what if he chooses to not heal her in that area. And I know that all things work together for good, but what if she has another one. And I am afraid. I'm afraid of her having a seizure with me around. I won't be able to handle it. I don't know what to do with these feelings I'm having but I will trust God to help me sort this out. I am in a state of fear right now. Fear for Larissa and what will happen.

Now on to TV and SAVING GRACE (SG). I bring it up again because the enemy keeps bringing it up. This morning watching the news a commercial comes on to say SG season opener tonight, don't miss! The commercial gets my curiosity going again. I turn off the TV and head to work. SG forgotten. Then around 3 pm I get an email alert. SG season opener starts tonight! Watch preview of tonights show! Of course I click since it is only a trailer. Lord help me! Well the trailer wasn't very good so that was good for me. I know I'm going to have a time tonight keeping away from that show. But I am resolving not to watch it anymore. It isn't good for me. There are other shows I'm going to have to give up too. But SG is the biggest.

Well that it for now. I'm going to check out my blogging buddies and then click this thing off and do some Bible study. God's Word will be my defense against the enemy. I'm going to look up some scripture on renewing the mind. That's what I need right now, a renewed mind.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


A lot of things have been going through my mind and they are just aswirl in my mind. I still haven't done my "meme" that my siter Lisa targeted me for. I'll get to it later.

My daughter got me into MySpace but that isn't going to last. It's too complicated. I'd rather be blogging.

I'm on the prayer team at church and I've volunteered to put on a mini retreat for the team. I've been viewing various DVD's I have. Instead of live speaker we will do study with Nancy Leigh DeMoss speaking on personal revival and Beth Moore speaking from the Book of Daniel for us. I'm excited about our two great speakers.

My Tuesday Bible study on Genesis will end in two weeks and we'll have a break for the month of August and start again mid-September. My leader-in-training will do a four/six week study on her own. I look forward to being the student.

I'm finishing with Breaking Free at the end of this month too. Breaking Free and No other Gods have been going almost side by side. They blend so well together in content. I've been observing my TV habits since being convicted from a lesson in No Other Gods. I do watch a lot of TV and realize I usuall just flick it on to veg out. I've started to deliberately not turn the TV on. So far so good. ONe of my favorite shows is SAVING GRACE with one of my favorite actresses, Holly Hunter. I just love some of her characters. SAVING GRACE is not the kind of show I'd want Jesus to find me watching. As the NOG study brought out, I've been rationalizing why it's OK to watch, I'm an adult, I'm not nieve,even though deep down I know it wasnt' right. (Lot of sexual content and nudity) Really, I tried not to think about it too much. Trying to keep my conscious quiet. Anyway after reading that chapter in week three I was convicted that it wasn't right. I had to give it up. I can't believe I felt sad about it and was relunctant to do it. I enjoy Saving Grace! I also had every show on my IPOD. I want so much to follow God and cleanse myself from all unrighteousness. I want to live for him and the first thing I have to do is give up Saving Grace. I've decided not to watch it anymore. I erased the shows from my IPOD. I also realized that Satan was the one whispering the following lies: "Your going to miss a good show" "Just watch the first show of the second season, then stop?" "It won't be that sexual this season" "God will still love you even if you watch it" and so many more reasons why I should watch. Well I am deliberately making the choice to give it to the Lord. He can have my time instead of TV. There are other shows that must go. Family Guy, TMZ, all the other stuff of this world. If I'm true to myself I DO KNOW what is junk and not edifying to my spirit. So that's been my struggle for the last few days. I plan to keep myself busy tomorrow evening so I won't be tempted to watch. That little conflict is one of many that I struggle with. But if I can give up Saving Grace I can give up more. Lord, help me in this struggle to give up the things that have no profit for my spirit.

My granddaughter Larissa had another seizure Friday. Epilepsy has been thrown out. The doctor says they are fever induced. She did have a urinary infection. So she's taking medicine for that. The doctor said whay probably happens is that the fever flares up suddenly and her brain can't handle it and she goes into the seizure. I pray God will heal her of these terrifying episodes. The doctors say she'll outgrow them. When Lord!?

Our church VBS is coming up July 21-25. I'm working with the preschoolers with my daughter Leah. VBS is very tiring (especially at my age with preschoolers)but it is so rewarding. When the week is done I really feel I did something of substance for the Lord. I feel I planted seeds and that just maybe someday someone will receive the gift of salvation because of their VBS teacher. I know it's not me that does the saving but I like to know I was working with God on this one, that God used me. Those little children are so precious. They love God with such innocence. They believe with no doubts.

Well, that's my little bit of this and that. I'll try not to let the days go by without posting. But you know me. I'll post when I post. Blessing to all who read this post.

I'm in His grace.