Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Now I know why I am long in adding new posts. I have nothing to say. Nothing exciting or profound, especially when there are serious things going on in the world. You want to know what is on my mind today?? Talk about trivial.

Well, should I go to the movies today or tomorrow? I want to see Frost/Nixon and Frank isn't interested so I'll go alone.

I've finished reading the book Marley & Me and we'll be going to see that with Frank's brother and his wife who are dog/animal lovers.

I look around my house and acknowledge the clutter surrounding me, but it doesn't interest me to get up and start straigtening up.

Since taking a break from attending Bible study group I have hardly picked up God's Word. That's my problem. The saying "A week without the Word make one weak." That's me. I'm too involved in trivial than with the Word. I've become spiritually weak. This always happens when my study group takes a break. I don't really like taking the breaks because of my lack of self-discipline. My group has started 2 Timmy and Paul's words to Timmy in 1:6 "...I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you..." Since we broke for break that has kept running in my mind. Another versions says "fan into flame." My flame right now is a little low I need to start flaming this precious gift within me before it gets any lower.

I'm so thankful for the Spirit whose been the One nudging me with that verse. God will never let me go so far that the flame will actually fizzle out. What would I do without Him? Nothing can separate His love from me. Thank you Lord for penetrating this foggy mind of mine right now. I will take time for you today.

PS: Thanks for the beauty of Your red roses this morning outside in the cold. You ARE a Wonder!

Friday, December 26, 2008


Merry Christmas to everyone in Blogland, you or two who visit. :) Every year I seem to think "this Christmas was the best." Well, I'm saying that again. And it's all because of family. It's not the gifts but my family. The grandkids are such a joy to watch. Little Gina was into her dino's this year, Larissa into Hannah Montana, and Timothy into his miniature skateboard, batting cage certificate and other older kid things. He keeps saying he has a mustache but he doesn't know the difference between peach fuzz and mustache.

One gift I got for Christmas has turned into ministry. My son Adam got me a police scanner. I've always loved law enforcement, I used to work at the PD in my younger years, now I watch the police shows etc. As I've been listening to the scanner I've come to realize that I can pray for those needing police assistance. The one that caught my heart was a mother who had her 7 year old son begging for money on the boulevard and domestic violence on Christmas night. What a good time to pray, right at the particular moment. I'm excited about this.

We spent Christmas Day at my mom's. My immediate family was there except my brother. The cousins got together and I was amazed at their good behavior. No petty arguments. I have good nieces, nephew and grands. They all got along so good. Lots of laughter, eating and yelling for the Lakers. Everytime I'm with my family, when I leave I want to get together again more often. But I never to anything about it. Well, this year will be different. I told everyone that we will get together at my house Memorial weekend 2009 at my house for a barbeque or something.

I have the rest of next week off (Thank you Jesus!) and plan to relax and relax.

I'll be posting a picture of me and my sister at mom's later this evening, maybe somemore pics too. Frank's coffee mug spilled in his "man purse/tote bag" and leaked all over everything including the camera case. I think it might have gotten to the lens as the pictures are cloudy at the bottom.

Feliz Navidad everyone.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Since I want to get serious again with blogging I thought I'd change my look. I'd like one of those fancy ones that one can get for free, but don't know how to download it? Anyone out there help me?

Anyway, this will be my look until I learn how to get fancy. :)

Did I mention how much I'm loving Kay Arthur's Back to the Garden? Lord, have mercy, women must do this study, teens, singles etc. Especially singles!! If every woman took this study and passed it on we could have a new, godly, pure, sexual revolution TO THE GLORY OF GOD!

You'll be hearing more about it again.

Well, I'm off to get ready for the day. Lots to do.

Friday, December 12, 2008


I feel like a traitor to the faithful blog world. I was totally into myspace for the last couple of months. Leah talked me into getting a space and it was fun for awhile but too much work and very visually annoying. I'd get a head ache scrolling through everyone's "stuff." I'm not knocking what brought them enjoyment but for me to read all their stuff was too time consuming AND getting a "comment" from someone was very rare if at all. At least with the blog world I know no one may ever read it but myself or my sweet sister Lisa. SO I'M BACK TO BLOGGING.

Granddaughter #2, Larissa, is practicing her songs for the "holidays" in kindergarten. Boy, can she sing a good Kwanza song and about Hannaka. WHERE'S THE BABY JESUS!!! Oh yeah, she's in public school. He's not allowed in! It really hurts to realize that everything is accepted except no one can mention Jesus. Timothy is in the chorus in 5th grade and they're practicing their "holiday" songs as well. They are singing a traditional Christmas song but have taken the name of Jesus out of it. I can't remember which one it is right now. His presentation is this coming Wednesday. After it's over I plan to shout "Happy Birthday Jesus!" My own personal protest. ;)

My Friday morning Bible study group is doing Kay Arthur's "Back to the Garden" God's design for a woman's sexuality. IT IS WONDERFUL!! I highly recommend this study to any woman, any age, married or single. Kay gives the facts straightforward about sex and the beauty of our specialness as women. I think every high school girl should take it. Sex is one subject that I never heard talked about at church ever! And yet God created our sexuality. She talked about the importance of our virginity, purity and our bodies as the temple of Spirit. There is no blushing among us ladies taking this course and I believe that is truly the Holy Spirit anointing this class. We have shared with one another our experiences in light of God's Word and have had healing from past mistakes and a fresh, pure vision of ourselves as God's vessels to the Lord and to our husbands. The singles I do this with are enjoying this as much as us marrieds. I plan to approach the youth group leaders to recommend this to them.

The weather outside is cool and crisp. I love it. Is it still fall? The leaves are all over our front yard since we never rake. I like the look though.

We're going Christmas Caroling tomorrow afternoon. We'll visit three rest homes. AND we are bringing Jesus with us!! After we'll all return to the church office for some goodies to eat and fellowship to share.

Doris Day is singing "I'll be Home for Christmas" right now. I love Doris Day's singing. My dad made me a cassesstte with her songs which I treasure. He also made me a Ella Fitzgerald. Which leads me to say that lately I've been into jazz. That's all I listen to anymore. Speaking of music, I just love the new song by Beyonce, the Etta James song "At Last." The movie Cadillac Records is going to be a must for me. I was going to go alone today and see it but I couldn't remember if it was out yet. Another favorite is singer Dinah Washington.

Well I think I've said all I can right now. I'll try not to be so long in posting. Ha Ha Like everyone is so waiting to hear from me, like that visit everyday. You know a blog is good when you go to it every day and feel a little let down when they haven't posted. Those kind of blogs spoil me into wanting something new everyday.

Time for me to go read something.

Friday, November 28, 2008


It's the day after the turkey. Frank & I had a nice time together just the two of us. No hurry, no rush, just relax all day. Took my time preparing the traditional dinner which was cooked by Vons, so all I had to do was heat it up and cook some dishes. Adam, Chante & Gina stopped by around three and stayed awhile before heading to her mother's. Tim, Leah, Timothy, Larissa and Roxie, their dog, came by around 6 PM for dessert. I had a cherry, chocolate pudding, vanilla pudding and pumpkin pies to choose from. Roxie is the cutest little thing. A good dog. Listens well, didn't smell that dog smell (which i don't like), friendly and didn't pee in my house.

Today I'm looking at cameras on the internet. I have this urge to buy myself a good camera. I'd like the one on TV, the Nikon D30. Whew! I won't be getting that for a long time. The price!!
My dad always had a camera on hand. He was a picture taker. So many memories he captured for me growing up with all my cousins.

I miss my dad. I wish I had...
Talked more with him.
Ask him to teach me cribbage
Ask him about his Navy days
have him teach me to keep score while watching a baseball game
have him give me that red covered WWII book which he would read to me. I've looked for that book at moms but it's gone. I always have the hope that it will be found one day.

No plans for today but chill out with Frank. He just dug out the Christmas music (his tradition) and it's playing. Candles are lit, there's a chill outside, perfect weather. Frank will do his thing, I'll do mine and then we'll meet up around noon and spend the rest of the day together. I never get tired of spending time with my man. 37 years together and it does get better. He is my BFF. I love his sense of humor, which keeps me laughing so much. Silly stuff, but so funny between us.

It's time to get myself dressed. I'm still in my pj's and it's almost 10 AM.

I do thank the Lord for my life and His great riches for me, His revealed mysteries, His Son, His eternal Word, HIM.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


I've changed my profile picture. These are my three treasures: Timothy, Larissa and Gina. My three grandchildren. They are so precious to me. My gifts from God.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Beth was so anointed yesterday/today as she passionately encouraged us to continue in God's Word, our only source of power. I wish I could convey the teaching here but I'm not a good note taker (it distracts me, I get more out of just listening). If you, dear reader, would like to know what she talked about, go to www.lifeway.com in a couple of weeks and they will have it posted. Go to the Living Proof Life link and Lifeway ususally posts a Godtube video and a summary of the weekend.

God's Word was so powerfully given to us and of course, with Beth, her passion for the Word is so contagious.

If anyone reading this has never heard of Beth Moore go to YouTube or Godtube and search Beth Moore and you'll come up with some videos.

I so look forward to putting into practice the things that will keep me abiding in Him.

Saturday, July 26, 2008



Leah & Paloma now friends.

My third crew member Leah & me.

Our whole class & crew making a craft

Whew! I made it! VBS 2008 is now a memory. The kids had a blast and my preschool crew are tired but we had some fun with the kids. Working with 3-4 year old all week has its own unique qualitites. We made a lot of trips to the bathroom. When one had to go all of a sudden everyone had to go. We had tears for momma. We had a little spat "you're not my friend" type of thing. (We adults have them too, we just don't come out and say it, we just politely ignore each other.) By day five these two girls were friends again. We colored, made crafts, had snacks, watched a "Chadder" video and saw skits telling the Bible story, and played, played, played.

It was a great VBS and ALL the kids attending had such a fun time.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Vacation Bible School
Must go plan my lesson.
Working with preschoolers. :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Today Timothy got hit in the head with the baseball at his game. A huge lump appeared so Tim & Leah took him to urgent care. He's fine but it was a little scarry after all we've been through the last couple of weeks.

At the park I turned to Frank and asked him if this was spiritual warfare. He said he was thinking the same thing.

I've since prayed for physical protection on my entire family. And I am not going to fall for satan's lies that cause me to panic. Timothy, as well as all my family, is in His hands.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Me and Frank last Saturday at Gina's Aunt Kimmie's baby shower.

Gina's mom Chante (my sweet daughter-in-law, in the middle) with her high school friend on the left and her softball buddie on the right.

Larissa (grandchild #2) hubby Frank, Gina (grandchild #3 when she would let me hold her) and myself. This picture was from Frank's camera.

"Just try and hold me Granmma!"

Say cheese!

The little prodigy.

I have to give credit to Chante and her mom Darlene for these pictures. I got them off of their myspace albums. Thanks C & D.

Gina is 27 months and is going through a stage where she will not allow me to grab a hold of her for a hug or a kiss. She tells me to go. I will wait patiently for her to come around, because Christmas is just around the corner. Hehehe!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I ended up in the emergency room early this morning. How did I get there?

I've been very nervous/stressed/anxious, more than even I realized, about Larissa and her seizures. Well it come out throug a strong axiety attache around 3 AM. I rolled over in bed and felt a strange pain on my side. I got up to get a drink of water and suddenly I felt a hot heat spread across my stomach, back & arms. I've never felt this before and became quite alarmed. I went into the bedroom and told Frank I had to go to the hospital. Call 911! They came and transported me to the hospital as my blood pressure was sky high and they thought maybe I was having a stroke. PTL I had not stroke or heart attack by the grace of God.

At the hospital I was given a cat scan and ultrasound of my stomach area.

All during this time the song by Matt Redmond, "Never Let Go" was going through my mind. Also going through my mind was the worse, death, stroke, and terrible fear. After a couple of hours of fear I finally realized that I was thining too much of the negative. Satan was whispering truth to me but it really wasn't the truth=NO Other Gods study again. The truth was yes, these things can happen to me but God is with me. I am not alone. He has me in his hand and his will be done. I decided to "renew" my mind and no longer dwell on the marcabe but on the blessing and promises of our good God. I ask the Spirit to bring to mind the promises of the Word. "I will never leave you nor forsake you" "I have called you by name, you are mine" "Greater is he who is you than he who is in the world" Greater is God.

After about 13 hours at the emergency (can you belive that!) I was released and the conclusion was that I had an axiety attack. I've been very anxious about Larissa. Read the post below.

Well, I'm praising God that it wasn't more serious and I'm asking God to direct me in ways to release my burdens to him, minute by minute. I'm very tired right now as I was given a relaxer and am still a little groggy. Going to bed now and sleep like a baby.

If I can I'm going to download the video "Never Let Go" from you or God tube. I don't know how to do it so don't hold your breath. :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


God is so precious. He is ministering to me, gently. My fears stems from unbelief. LORD, HELP MY UNBELIEF! AMEN. I know he will increase my faith. How? I'm going to have to wait and see. But for this moment my eyes are on Him. Praise you Lord.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world; but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 AMEN!


Doing the online Bible study NO OTHER GODS (NOG)is opening my eyes to a lot of spiritual junk I have on me. Not only TV, which I'll get to later on, but also my need to control my surroundings and everything else in my life. I've shared on another Lifeway Community my need to control everything I do so as not to have an accident, so I won't get hurt, suffer no pain etc. The fear of pain or injury dictates my life. Which bring me to Larissa's latest seizure. I'm frightened!! There I've said it. I'm afraid of her having another seizure, what if she dies. This I cannot control, but I'll try!I find myself watching her for any sign of danger. I keep feeling her head, is she hot? I keep asking her if she feels good. Coming home with her in the car I had the AC going full blast to keep the car cold so she won't get hot and have a seizure. All of sudden I just started crying. It was then that I realized what I'm trying to do and there's no controling what happens to Larissa and I am afraid. I want the seizures to stop. I want her to be herself again. But there is no guarantee that it won'd happen again. And I know God is in control, but what if he chooses to not heal her in that area. And I know that all things work together for good, but what if she has another one. And I am afraid. I'm afraid of her having a seizure with me around. I won't be able to handle it. I don't know what to do with these feelings I'm having but I will trust God to help me sort this out. I am in a state of fear right now. Fear for Larissa and what will happen.

Now on to TV and SAVING GRACE (SG). I bring it up again because the enemy keeps bringing it up. This morning watching the news a commercial comes on to say SG season opener tonight, don't miss! The commercial gets my curiosity going again. I turn off the TV and head to work. SG forgotten. Then around 3 pm I get an email alert. SG season opener starts tonight! Watch preview of tonights show! Of course I click since it is only a trailer. Lord help me! Well the trailer wasn't very good so that was good for me. I know I'm going to have a time tonight keeping away from that show. But I am resolving not to watch it anymore. It isn't good for me. There are other shows I'm going to have to give up too. But SG is the biggest.

Well that it for now. I'm going to check out my blogging buddies and then click this thing off and do some Bible study. God's Word will be my defense against the enemy. I'm going to look up some scripture on renewing the mind. That's what I need right now, a renewed mind.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


A lot of things have been going through my mind and they are just aswirl in my mind. I still haven't done my "meme" that my siter Lisa targeted me for. I'll get to it later.

My daughter got me into MySpace but that isn't going to last. It's too complicated. I'd rather be blogging.

I'm on the prayer team at church and I've volunteered to put on a mini retreat for the team. I've been viewing various DVD's I have. Instead of live speaker we will do study with Nancy Leigh DeMoss speaking on personal revival and Beth Moore speaking from the Book of Daniel for us. I'm excited about our two great speakers.

My Tuesday Bible study on Genesis will end in two weeks and we'll have a break for the month of August and start again mid-September. My leader-in-training will do a four/six week study on her own. I look forward to being the student.

I'm finishing with Breaking Free at the end of this month too. Breaking Free and No other Gods have been going almost side by side. They blend so well together in content. I've been observing my TV habits since being convicted from a lesson in No Other Gods. I do watch a lot of TV and realize I usuall just flick it on to veg out. I've started to deliberately not turn the TV on. So far so good. ONe of my favorite shows is SAVING GRACE with one of my favorite actresses, Holly Hunter. I just love some of her characters. SAVING GRACE is not the kind of show I'd want Jesus to find me watching. As the NOG study brought out, I've been rationalizing why it's OK to watch, I'm an adult, I'm not nieve,even though deep down I know it wasnt' right. (Lot of sexual content and nudity) Really, I tried not to think about it too much. Trying to keep my conscious quiet. Anyway after reading that chapter in week three I was convicted that it wasn't right. I had to give it up. I can't believe I felt sad about it and was relunctant to do it. I enjoy Saving Grace! I also had every show on my IPOD. I want so much to follow God and cleanse myself from all unrighteousness. I want to live for him and the first thing I have to do is give up Saving Grace. I've decided not to watch it anymore. I erased the shows from my IPOD. I also realized that Satan was the one whispering the following lies: "Your going to miss a good show" "Just watch the first show of the second season, then stop?" "It won't be that sexual this season" "God will still love you even if you watch it" and so many more reasons why I should watch. Well I am deliberately making the choice to give it to the Lord. He can have my time instead of TV. There are other shows that must go. Family Guy, TMZ, all the other stuff of this world. If I'm true to myself I DO KNOW what is junk and not edifying to my spirit. So that's been my struggle for the last few days. I plan to keep myself busy tomorrow evening so I won't be tempted to watch. That little conflict is one of many that I struggle with. But if I can give up Saving Grace I can give up more. Lord, help me in this struggle to give up the things that have no profit for my spirit.

My granddaughter Larissa had another seizure Friday. Epilepsy has been thrown out. The doctor says they are fever induced. She did have a urinary infection. So she's taking medicine for that. The doctor said whay probably happens is that the fever flares up suddenly and her brain can't handle it and she goes into the seizure. I pray God will heal her of these terrifying episodes. The doctors say she'll outgrow them. When Lord!?

Our church VBS is coming up July 21-25. I'm working with the preschoolers with my daughter Leah. VBS is very tiring (especially at my age with preschoolers)but it is so rewarding. When the week is done I really feel I did something of substance for the Lord. I feel I planted seeds and that just maybe someday someone will receive the gift of salvation because of their VBS teacher. I know it's not me that does the saving but I like to know I was working with God on this one, that God used me. Those little children are so precious. They love God with such innocence. They believe with no doubts.

Well, that's my little bit of this and that. I'll try not to let the days go by without posting. But you know me. I'll post when I post. Blessing to all who read this post.

I'm in His grace.

Monday, June 30, 2008


But I've had noting to say. Nothing exciting has happened. My sister "tagged" me with some questions so I'll be answering those maybe Wednesday. She called it "meme."

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Blogging can be unending, a cyber black hole. I can drop in on one favorite and before I know I'm hooked on their favorite and their favorites favorite and so on and so on. Example: I visited Abbasgirl today and one of her favorites is "Middle-years." I was drawn to that particular one because of the middle-year title. I'm in my middle years or autumn years can't decide which. Being 58 years old, 60 years doesn't seem so old anymore as when I was in my 20s. Anyway, Middle-years has a favorite called "Laced With Grace." I was drawn to that blog because I love God's grace, I need God's grace desperately. Went to Laced with Grace and her site has others to blog onto and so on and so on. Like I said at an earlier post this can be full time blogging. :)

Since starting "No other God" God has been bringing to my conscienousness many of the idols that are in my life. Could blogging become an idol for me? Just wondering. I think I'm here alot because it's new for me. There are so many sisters in Christ out there that I don't feel alone in some of the struggles I go through. We can pray for one another. Having prayer from sisters I don't know brings a bond that only Christ can make. Knowing Christ together is really all we need. Christ binds us. Blogging is a good thing, I'll just have to watch myself. Thank you Lord for bringing this to my attention. May my being with you and your Word be much more rewarding than blogging. Thank you Lord for the sweet women I've encountered through this. Bless my blogging sisters, their families, their churches. Keep me on guard with myself and my motives Lord. Amen.

Friday, June 20, 2008


I've added Abbasgirl to my list. She was the first to welcome me to blogland. She also is a Beth Moore Siesta. We have a lot in common. We both love Jesus! ;)


Yes, it's a hot one today. I don't do heat well. I don't like to sweat and then I fell like I'm starting to wilt. The A/C is on in the bedroom so that's at least one room at a cooler temperature. The rest of the house is HOT. My house is wood so I think that keeps the heat in. But I really can't complain about the heat because I know in the east the temperature and humidity are unbearable. I don't think I'd survive Florida kinda heat. Why am I posting about the heat? It must be getting to my heat, head!

Just glanced at the blog dashboard and it says 'scheduled outage at 3 PM.' What's that mean? Due to too much electricity being used? There's a 'learn more' line i can click. I'll go learn more. Bye.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Thank you to everyone who has dropped by to say hello. i didn't know blogging could be so much fun. Like I mentioned somewhere else, this blogging could become a full time job. I will visit everyone who has responded. I have a week off from work next week and expect to be blogging to my hearts content. Blessings and grace to you all.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Why I like the following:
ALL POSTERS: I love art and this website has great art that one can purchase inexpensively as a poster, laminated, on a frame etc. My favorite picture on this site is "Bench" by Edward Noott. I fell in love with this picture as soon as I saw it. The girl reminds me of me when I was younger. ONe could always find me with my nose in a book. I love gardens and to be in the fragrant quiet of a garden reading a book with my flip flops on is this side of heaven. I have yet to make a purchase.

AMANDA & JACKSON JONES: Amanda is the daughter of Beth Moore and Jackson is Beth's grandson. Amanda is married to Curtis Jones and just moved to Houston not too long ago. She's been married seven years and is a role-model for young women today. She's a great wife and mother. We've never met.

BETH MOORE BLOG: If you are reading this blog you probably know Beth Moore so I won't repeat again that she is a great Bible teacher. You already know that plus more.

CHRISTIAN BOOK DISTRIBUTORS: Great deals on Christian books, especially Bibles!!

CNN News: Love daily news around the world.

GATHERING OF FRIENDS: Miss Paula is my Wednesday night Bible study leader. She is so creative in many things. One of the perks in attending her class (besides studying God's Word) is that she'll make cute bookmarks, name tags, class calendars for us and laminate them and I can use it forever. I still have all my name tag bookmarks. So far I've done The Patriarchs, Living Beyond Yourself and A Woman's Heart with Paula. I started Loving Well but really didn't finish. I think we're doing Believing God in the fall. I'm in!

JOHN PIPER SERMONS: John Piper is a pastor of truth and sound doctrine of God's Word. He can sometime be a little above my head but that's the challenge. He doesn't give the milk of the Word but the steak and potatoes. His website is packed with great topics for today's culture. He does not compromise God's Word. Plus his books are reasonably priced.

MY SISTER LISA: Lisa is my baby sister. We are 14 years apart. I admire her so much. She is an intelligent woman, a great mother and wife, organized. She did things that I could only dream of. She graduated from college, studied in Spain, had a good job, got married to Steve has three children and now has the best job ever, which her college degree did not prepare her for: being a stay at home mom. But she is doing so well with her household. She has great patience with her kids Kathryn, Ryan and Emily. I'm proud of my baby sister.

ONE PLACE: So many pastors and teacher of the Word to select from. Every style and church denomination, plus Christian radio.

REVIVE OUR HEARTS: Another great Bible teacher with no compromise of the Word. Nancy Leigh DeMoss tells it like it is. Her topics are applicable for today. This week's study has been on Esther. Last study was on Rahab. I've bought some of her CD's and listen to her often. She's also on itoons.

SGT. & MRS. HUBS: I found this site through Beth Moore's blog. The picture (avatar ?) on her blog caught my attention. Her husband kissing her cheek and she's making a squimish face. She is a great photographer and writer. Her children are precious and this is just a good blog. Plus she posts often which keeps me going back.

I do visit other blogs but these blogs are the ones I will visit almost everyday.

Friday, June 13, 2008


I'm going to play around with the blog and see if I can add somethings. I want to add my favorite blogs, the ones I visit daily, visit mornin, noon' and night. I'm always visiting Living Proof website. That one will be on the list for sure.

I don't know how some blogs can go on and on with interesting things and my mind is such a blank. No inspiration. I did finish reading The Memory Keepers Daughter today while at the doctors office. It was pretty good. I did leave it for a few days at a time so for me that was not on my A list, but it was good. The last A-list book I read was the Kite Runner. Couldn't put that one down. Read it in the morning, during break, at lunch, come home read it etc. Great book.

Frank my husband is going to be working for his brother tomorrow with my son Adam for some extra money. We can all use the extra money in California here with the gas prices so high. It's ridiculous. I ususally go the the Chevron but it's up to $4.59 right now. It can change by tomorow morning. I've been going to Exxon because it is 20 cents cheaper. I think I'll start shopping at the 99 cent store too. I hate cutting coupons but maybe I'll give that a try when gas gets to $5, 6 a gallon

Well back to blogging. Gee, I did have something to say. :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Just when I made the decision not to do Beth's blog study "No Other God's" I went and bought the workbook today and signed up on her blog. The excitement that surrounds her blog today is contagious. I just love that so many of my sisters in Christ across the nation and out of the US are so into indepth study of God's Word.

I've been doing Breaking Free with two gals from church on Friday's and on Tuesday I lead a small group doing Genesis. Call me crazy but I think I might be able to squeeze in just one more study. I also opted to have an email partner. I don't know how that's going to be arranged but it will be nice to partner with another siesta who loves being in the Word. I've started to pray that God teams me up with someone especially chosen by Him.

The Lakers finally beat the Celtics tonight. They must win three more!


Thursday, May 29, 2008


Thank you to my siestas who sent me a comment. :) I'm feeling a little shy here.

Just finished watching the Laker's beat San Antonio Spurs. The fireworks (for real) went off in my neighborhood. So glad my patio umbrella is not up. It might burn. People get real excited here in Lakerland.

Thank you for praying for Larissa. I'll let you know how her test turns out.

Blessing to all and Good night.


Let me be upfront to say I am not creative, my life is dull in comparison to your blogs. I love reading your blogs, seeing your homes and children, your hobbies etc.

Tomorrow I have the day off from work and will go to my Breaking Free class.

I will try and post a picture to see if I can do it.

I didn't want it to be so big. This is my 4 year old granddaughter Larissa. She is having an EEG this wednesday. She's had two fibral seizures. Scary! Please pray for her.

Now I will post a picture of my 10 year old grandson Timothy. He loves playing guitar like his grandpa. Timothy and Grandpa played a song at church some months ago.
I don't know what is happening to these pictures but everything seems to be all messed up.

Next is a picture of my youngest granddaughter Gina. She just turned two on April 25. Obviously Gina's picture is old.

I'm going to quit for now. I'm getting frustrated with the placement of these pictures. If anyone has any tips how to move them around and a simple link that I can learn to blog like the pros let me know.
Don't they have a book called Blogging for Dummies?