Thursday, May 29, 2008


Thank you to my siestas who sent me a comment. :) I'm feeling a little shy here.

Just finished watching the Laker's beat San Antonio Spurs. The fireworks (for real) went off in my neighborhood. So glad my patio umbrella is not up. It might burn. People get real excited here in Lakerland.

Thank you for praying for Larissa. I'll let you know how her test turns out.

Blessing to all and Good night.

1 comment:

Abba's Girl said...

When I started blogging, my husband was appalled because I am an extravert. He said I could tell any stories about him or us as long as I never mention his name.

I got a blog so I could comment on Lproof, then a former student of mine encouraged me to begin blogging in January when my father was in the hospital.

You must have a lot of birds too. We don't have as many species during the summer, but we have quite a few during spring migration and hummingbirds hang out for several weeks in Aug and Sept. I have a crazy Rufous who winters in my yard.

Blessings to you.