Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Now I know why I am long in adding new posts. I have nothing to say. Nothing exciting or profound, especially when there are serious things going on in the world. You want to know what is on my mind today?? Talk about trivial.

Well, should I go to the movies today or tomorrow? I want to see Frost/Nixon and Frank isn't interested so I'll go alone.

I've finished reading the book Marley & Me and we'll be going to see that with Frank's brother and his wife who are dog/animal lovers.

I look around my house and acknowledge the clutter surrounding me, but it doesn't interest me to get up and start straigtening up.

Since taking a break from attending Bible study group I have hardly picked up God's Word. That's my problem. The saying "A week without the Word make one weak." That's me. I'm too involved in trivial than with the Word. I've become spiritually weak. This always happens when my study group takes a break. I don't really like taking the breaks because of my lack of self-discipline. My group has started 2 Timmy and Paul's words to Timmy in 1:6 "...I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you..." Since we broke for break that has kept running in my mind. Another versions says "fan into flame." My flame right now is a little low I need to start flaming this precious gift within me before it gets any lower.

I'm so thankful for the Spirit whose been the One nudging me with that verse. God will never let me go so far that the flame will actually fizzle out. What would I do without Him? Nothing can separate His love from me. Thank you Lord for penetrating this foggy mind of mine right now. I will take time for you today.

PS: Thanks for the beauty of Your red roses this morning outside in the cold. You ARE a Wonder!

Friday, December 26, 2008


Merry Christmas to everyone in Blogland, you or two who visit. :) Every year I seem to think "this Christmas was the best." Well, I'm saying that again. And it's all because of family. It's not the gifts but my family. The grandkids are such a joy to watch. Little Gina was into her dino's this year, Larissa into Hannah Montana, and Timothy into his miniature skateboard, batting cage certificate and other older kid things. He keeps saying he has a mustache but he doesn't know the difference between peach fuzz and mustache.

One gift I got for Christmas has turned into ministry. My son Adam got me a police scanner. I've always loved law enforcement, I used to work at the PD in my younger years, now I watch the police shows etc. As I've been listening to the scanner I've come to realize that I can pray for those needing police assistance. The one that caught my heart was a mother who had her 7 year old son begging for money on the boulevard and domestic violence on Christmas night. What a good time to pray, right at the particular moment. I'm excited about this.

We spent Christmas Day at my mom's. My immediate family was there except my brother. The cousins got together and I was amazed at their good behavior. No petty arguments. I have good nieces, nephew and grands. They all got along so good. Lots of laughter, eating and yelling for the Lakers. Everytime I'm with my family, when I leave I want to get together again more often. But I never to anything about it. Well, this year will be different. I told everyone that we will get together at my house Memorial weekend 2009 at my house for a barbeque or something.

I have the rest of next week off (Thank you Jesus!) and plan to relax and relax.

I'll be posting a picture of me and my sister at mom's later this evening, maybe somemore pics too. Frank's coffee mug spilled in his "man purse/tote bag" and leaked all over everything including the camera case. I think it might have gotten to the lens as the pictures are cloudy at the bottom.

Feliz Navidad everyone.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Since I want to get serious again with blogging I thought I'd change my look. I'd like one of those fancy ones that one can get for free, but don't know how to download it? Anyone out there help me?

Anyway, this will be my look until I learn how to get fancy. :)

Did I mention how much I'm loving Kay Arthur's Back to the Garden? Lord, have mercy, women must do this study, teens, singles etc. Especially singles!! If every woman took this study and passed it on we could have a new, godly, pure, sexual revolution TO THE GLORY OF GOD!

You'll be hearing more about it again.

Well, I'm off to get ready for the day. Lots to do.

Friday, December 12, 2008


I feel like a traitor to the faithful blog world. I was totally into myspace for the last couple of months. Leah talked me into getting a space and it was fun for awhile but too much work and very visually annoying. I'd get a head ache scrolling through everyone's "stuff." I'm not knocking what brought them enjoyment but for me to read all their stuff was too time consuming AND getting a "comment" from someone was very rare if at all. At least with the blog world I know no one may ever read it but myself or my sweet sister Lisa. SO I'M BACK TO BLOGGING.

Granddaughter #2, Larissa, is practicing her songs for the "holidays" in kindergarten. Boy, can she sing a good Kwanza song and about Hannaka. WHERE'S THE BABY JESUS!!! Oh yeah, she's in public school. He's not allowed in! It really hurts to realize that everything is accepted except no one can mention Jesus. Timothy is in the chorus in 5th grade and they're practicing their "holiday" songs as well. They are singing a traditional Christmas song but have taken the name of Jesus out of it. I can't remember which one it is right now. His presentation is this coming Wednesday. After it's over I plan to shout "Happy Birthday Jesus!" My own personal protest. ;)

My Friday morning Bible study group is doing Kay Arthur's "Back to the Garden" God's design for a woman's sexuality. IT IS WONDERFUL!! I highly recommend this study to any woman, any age, married or single. Kay gives the facts straightforward about sex and the beauty of our specialness as women. I think every high school girl should take it. Sex is one subject that I never heard talked about at church ever! And yet God created our sexuality. She talked about the importance of our virginity, purity and our bodies as the temple of Spirit. There is no blushing among us ladies taking this course and I believe that is truly the Holy Spirit anointing this class. We have shared with one another our experiences in light of God's Word and have had healing from past mistakes and a fresh, pure vision of ourselves as God's vessels to the Lord and to our husbands. The singles I do this with are enjoying this as much as us marrieds. I plan to approach the youth group leaders to recommend this to them.

The weather outside is cool and crisp. I love it. Is it still fall? The leaves are all over our front yard since we never rake. I like the look though.

We're going Christmas Caroling tomorrow afternoon. We'll visit three rest homes. AND we are bringing Jesus with us!! After we'll all return to the church office for some goodies to eat and fellowship to share.

Doris Day is singing "I'll be Home for Christmas" right now. I love Doris Day's singing. My dad made me a cassesstte with her songs which I treasure. He also made me a Ella Fitzgerald. Which leads me to say that lately I've been into jazz. That's all I listen to anymore. Speaking of music, I just love the new song by Beyonce, the Etta James song "At Last." The movie Cadillac Records is going to be a must for me. I was going to go alone today and see it but I couldn't remember if it was out yet. Another favorite is singer Dinah Washington.

Well I think I've said all I can right now. I'll try not to be so long in posting. Ha Ha Like everyone is so waiting to hear from me, like that visit everyday. You know a blog is good when you go to it every day and feel a little let down when they haven't posted. Those kind of blogs spoil me into wanting something new everyday.

Time for me to go read something.