Monday, March 16, 2009


One more titdbit. I've been enjoying my ipod. I have 515 sermons on it. I have Charles Stanley, R.C. Sproul, JOhn Piper (of course), Nancy Leight DeMoss, James McDonald and many more. Where am i going with this.....Oh yeah, I downloaded sermons from a church in Redlands. I thought it was Redlands, Calif but turns out it's Redlands CRC in Australia. The first clue was the accent. At first I thought it was a guest pastor or something like that but then realized it was coming from Australia. It's kinda cool. I get caught up in my ow little world and forget that I have brother and sisters in Christ all over the world. The unity of Christ.

We just bought the DVD "Worship at the Abbey." UTTERLY FANTASTIC!!! Thank you Jesus for music. I'll talk about that later.

I do have to go. It's getting late for this ole gal. Have things to do before I go to bed.

Things to talk about next time:
More about Worship at the Abbey and our upcoming Ladies Nite Out at my church.

I'm going to give you all my "myspace address" to as I seem to be on that more, only to add things to encourage others with the love of Jesus.

Blessings to my sisters in Christ and all who may happen upon this blog by chance. You are loved with an everlasting love by Jesus, the One and Only.

1 comment:

Abba's Girl said...

Blessings to you!
